So full! A blur! A visit with magical Grandma Shack. Fires and Hikes. Cold. No Hot! Cold. Beeswax dipped leaves. Climbing tree aflame. Sewing wonky patches. Pink and purple hair. Racoon class. Discovering slides! Nerves frayed. Lantern walk dreams. New wood stove and a near broken finger. SISTERS SISTERS SISTERS. The table full. Froliking. The simple joys - shared.
November 2021
So full! A blur! A visit with magical Grandma Shack. Fires and Hikes. Cold. No Hot! Cold. Beeswax dipped leaves. Climbing tree aflame. Sewing wonky patches. Pink and purple hair. Racoon class. Discovering slides! Nerves frayed. Lantern walk dreams. New wood stove and a near broken finger. SISTERS SISTERS SISTERS. The table full. Froliking. The simple joys - shared.